
2016/01/29 (星期五)

Spring Festival Gala 快報!四海同聲 歡呼聲中完滿結束

踏入 2016 年,加拿大中文電台第一波的賀歲節目 - 「四海同聲春節晚會」,於今晚( 1 月 29 日)假 Michael J. Fox Thetare 完美落幕,90 位本地精英聚首一堂,分別以傳統京劇、新派舞獅、創意魔術、潮爆街舞、大型民族舞、古典中樂和流行樂曲等,呈上兩小時極盡視聽之餘的演出,與 600 位現場觀眾共迎金猴年的來臨。

更多春晚的精彩圖片,請留意下星期一 (2 月 1 日) 的報導。

More than 600 guests and audience gathered tonight (Jan 29) to celebrate the upcoming Year of the Monkey at the Fairchild Radio Spring Festival Gala at Michael J. Fox Theatre. With over 90 leading artists from Canada, tonight's performance showcase the incredible beauty and diversity of multiculturalism through music, dance, magic, Chinese opera and martial arts. Next Monday (Feb 1), we will have a detailed coverage of the Gala.